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Scheduled actions

With Scheduled actions, you define automated actions such as reassignment, subsequent categorization, escalation in priority, and change in status which should initiate when established support or service standards with time-based obligations are at risk.

Multiple escalations can be set which are triggered by a cron job when a certain condition is met. For example, you can automate the following scenarios:


If a request is submitted by a customer who belongs to Customer group "VIP", and if it is not solved/closed within 3 days after deadline:
1. Set priority to "Urgent",
2. Assign to "David Garret"
3. Move the ticket to "Support" queue.


If customer did not replied for two days:
1. Close the ticket
2. Send e-mail notification about the closure to customer.

The Scheduled actions list in Settings > Automation > Workflow rules, Scheduled actions contains the list of all active scheduled actions. They can be added, edited and deleted to suit your needs.

The list also shows number of Pending tickets for each action/rule that will be processed in a next job schedule.

workflow scheduled actions

To edit a rule, click the Edit icon in front of the action/rule name, or click the (+) Add rule button to create a new Scheduled action rule.

Similarly to Request submission, the Scheduled rule contains four groups of information available in the corresponding regions:

  1. Rule Description.
  2. If the following conditions are met
  3. Set these values
  4. And notify with email.

The major difference to Request submission is that the Conditions region contains additional Time dependant condition values:

scheduled rule conditions

  • Ticket is not - select one of values:
    • Responded by Agent
    • Responded by Customer
    • Closed
  • for (time duration in hours) - select one of values:
  • Time event condition - select one of values:
    • After being created
    • Before deadline
    • After deadline
    • After responded by Agent.

Similarly to Request submission, set the commands that alter the ticket, if the conditions above are met. The only difference is the additional command Status that changes the ticket status.